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Our program is a full year starting in the Fall and then ending in the Spring matching the LIJSL schedule of soccer. We only offer full year programs. Players cannot register for Fall only unless they are playing U16+ where they only a play Spring season schedule.

If your child was born in 2006 - 2016, you are part of our Travel program. There are a variety of teams in this area based on age level and gender. Not all levels have a boys and girls team rostered. 

Age Groups and Proof of Age Requirements for Travel Players

All Travel players must provide a photo, gender, and a birth certificate (or equivalent ID) to prove their age and gender. Travel teams are built based on birth year and gender. For the 2024/2025 season, the birth years are as follows:

  • U9 - born in 2016
  • U10 - born in 2015
  • U11 - born in 2014
  • U12 - born in 2013
  • U13 - born in 2012
  • U14 - born in 2011
  • U15 - born in 2010
  • U16 - born in 2009
  • U17 - born in 2008
  • U19 - born in 2007/06

Travel Team Size

Babylon Soccer Club is a small club and we work hard to roster a full team where all children have an opportunity to play with equal playing time. Travel teams have a minimum number to be able to register at the beginning of the Fall Season (registration is due by the first week of July each year). We must register teams before the deadline with enough players with proof of birth or we will be unable to join the league for that season. There are no late team registrations.

During registration, our Registrar and Parent Coaches work together to make sure we have enough players for each team and that they are all registered on time.

In the case that we cannot roster a full team, we ask that parent coaches help with recruiting players. Minimum and Maximum team rosters are listed on the LIJSL website.

Travel Tryouts

We often get the question: “Can I join BSC if I do not live in Babylon?” Yes, you can join and we do have players from a variety of towns who join the club. Club by-laws do not bar any player from any town registering for a BSC team. Team rostering is first come, first serve and players that attend try-outs are likely to find a team.

The BSC Board has gotten feedback over the past few years that coaches and parents prefer a try-out at the end of the Spring Season to get ready for Fall. This has helped trainers understand the abilities of the players, split teams appropriately based on those abilities, and also allow us to recruit new local players to our club. 

Why do we do tryouts?

  • To help players improve in an environment that fits each of them. Children improve and develop their soccer skills and confidence more when they play opposing teams with similar abilities and when their teammates have similar abilities. Placing a child on a team with players above their ability level puts them at a disadvantage that will inevitably create an environment where they will have fewer touches on the ball during a game.

  • To encourage more members to join our club and create more opportunities for BSC children to play at all levels. By opening up try outs, we help fill the gap in players that naturally occurs in the older age groups. Many older teams lose team members to other sports around 6th and 7th grade leaving our small club struggling to roster a full team and requiring us to have younger players play up at levels that don’t fit their skills. 

How do try-outs work?

Tryouts are usually at the end of May or beginning of June each year. This allows us to get ahead of other clubs who are also running try-outs. In addition, it leads us right into the team registration that usually opens in mid-June. 

  • Try-outs are free for all players to attend. BSC works hard to not charge parents for the tryout session though we do employ professional trainers for the session.

  • Each age group has a 1 hour time-slot to attend the tryout. If a player cannot make the tryout, they can reach out to the club for further options.

  • We ask that parents and coaches remain off the field during the tryouts. Players will be checked in by a BSC Board Member, given a pinnie with a number, and supervised by a Trainer during the 1 hour session.

Travel Team Leveling / Division Alignments

U9 Teams are not leveled into a division. Since teams are all new at this level, LIJSL groups them based on club size and location. After the Fall season (the first season as U9), LIJSL may make small adjustments but most teams are kept in their division for the full year (Fall/Spring).

U10 Teams are leveled into a Division in the Fall based on their past (U9) win/tie/loss record. BSC will re-group players into teams based on skill level at U10 to ensure teams are matched in the appropriate LIJSL Division (with similarly skilled teams). This re-grouping is done based on the players previous year of playing and their results at try-outs. 

U10+ Teams are leveled into Divisions based on their record and skill level. LIJSL will choose the level for the team based on their past record. Parent Coaches have the opportunity ONCE PER SEASON to request a change in Division Alignment. Coaches and the BSC Board do not have the ability to override LIJSL Division Alignments. We can only provide suggestions based on our understanding of the teams past record, the records of other teams in the division, and the individual players.


Visit the Uniforms & Equipment page for details.

Practice/Training Days

This information will be posted on SportsEngine by your parent coach.

  • U9 - U12 train 2x per week for 1 hour 15 mins with their designated team for 8-9 weeks in the Fall and then again in the Spring. 

  • U13+ train at least 1x per week for 1 hour 15 minutes with their designated team for 8-9 weeks in the Fall and then again in the Spring. Many players at this age may have a short season due to conflict with High School sports. 


  • U9 - U12 play 1 game per week on Saturday’s. These are scheduled by the league and shared with you through your parent coach. 
  • U13 + play 1 game per week on Sunday’s. These are scheduled by the league and shared with you through your parent coach.

Coaches and Trainers

Trainers: Babylon Soccer Club employs experienced, licensed and certified soccer coaches/trainers from WNFour Soccer for all age levels to focus on teamwork, game play, development of technical and tactical skills, structure, organization and timing of training sessions. The Trainer will take the lead during games and practices by coaching players, acting as referee, setting up plays, and supporting substitutions.

Parent Coaches: Volunteers who support the team with supervision, team building, player safety, risk management, parent communications, and LIJSL requirements. Parent Coaches for the travel program are required to take yearly training (online), undergo a background check, and take in-person training 1 time.  At games, the Parent Coach provides the printed rosters and referee fees (paid for by BSC). The Trainer may request the support of the parent coach for other activities including (but not limited to):

  • timing the game
  • substitutes
  • warming up the goalkeeper
  • choosing the captains
  • ensuring the sideline is prepared and paying attention to the game
  • ensuring the health and safety of the players
  • interacting with parents/spectators as required
  • team member pep talks / one-on-one coaching


LIJSL has a 2 week break in the middle of the season for holidays (Oct 5/6, Oct 12/13). We placed 1 week off of training and 1 week on due to known weather and lighting issues at the end of the season. If we have a rainout a week prior, we may decide to have training both weeks (Sept 30th and Oct 7th weeks). Messages will come out from the club when/if this change takes place.

Fall Travel Calendar

Fall 2024 Training Schedule

Travel Training Schedule